Only Sometimes . . .
By Anita Hobbs 
In memory of her daughter Nicole 
It’s been years since I walked, with empty arms, out of the NICU but still cry sometimes.

But only . . .

When I pull off the road for a passing
funeral procession,
Or hear “Tears From Heaven”,
Or on his birthday,
Or on his death date,
Or hear a newly bereaved mother’s story,
Or at church when we sing
“…safe and secure from all alarm”,
Or as I hear about an unwanted baby
abandoned in a dumpster,
Or read about a one pound baby who survived,
Or when my “subsequent pregnancy”
daughter asks if she will get to hold her big brother when we all get to Heaven,
Or when I try to say his name aloud,
Or as I light his candle at Christmastime.

Yes, I still cry after all these years …

But only sometimes . . .