At the Foot of the Cross
By Mary Doherty 
In memory of Tommy Doherty June 12, 1982 
She stood at the foot of His cross.
She asked God if she could pray hard enough for a
miracle to keep Him alive.

She received Him into her arms – bruised, cold, limp.
She wished to hold the warmth of His life.

She cried because she could not protect Him from an
untimely death.
She asked if she had done something wrong.

She wanted to believe in heaven, another existence
with her son.
But she knew that time would come later and she
wanted Him to be with her now.

She dreamed of the future He had lost.
She imagined He could have changed the world.

She knew friends would say His death would teach
people to value life.
She asked why her son’s life needed to serve as a

She believed no one could imagine the pain she felt.
But Mother, comfort me in my agony.