By Dena Pierce 
For Jason Michael Pierce, 1989 
When you were born everything was still.
The warmth of your body I did not feel.
When I touched your hand you did not respond,
Yet there was that instant bond.
I held you and kissed you then said goodbye.
My baby, my son, I never heard cry.
My heart was breaking as they took you away,
There was so much I wanted to say.
Life took from me my heart’s joy,
My baby, my son, my little boy,
I love you now and always will.
My baby boy who was born still.

Author Unknown

Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank you for this day and this night, and for your protection over us.
Thank you for loving and protecting the babies that are in your care in heaven and on earth.

I ask for strength and wisdom, Lord, as you gave David and Solomon to fight against our enemy, crib death.

I ask that you direct my mind, my hands and my heart this day to serve you well.

Please bless and direct the council, the guilds, our members, and all those involved in this fight.

And please, dear God, give help and comfort to all those who awoke today and found their babies gone.

I believe I have been called to this special mission by you, Father. Help me this day to fight the good fight and serve you well so we may come closer to finding the cause and cure of sudden infant death.

We ask this in your name, Lord.

Never The Same
By Susan L. Price
This poem is dedicated to Jesse Lee Price born July 28, 1988 – Died July 29, 1988.

They told me you weren’t perfect,
but that didn’t matter,
They said you were sick and
it made me feel sadder.

Every time I felt you kick and flutter,
I loved you more and more
Sweetheart, I’m your mother.

I loved you my precious one
right from the start, and
when they said you were gone
it broke my heart.

So little, so precious,
So beautifu1, so sweet,
It’s funny how I remember
you had such tiny feet.

You were perfect all over
from your head to your toes,
God how it hurt
when I had to let you go.

I miss you so much,
I can’t sleep at night,
I wish you were here
I would hold you so tight.

I would love you and kiss you
and keep you warm,
I would never let anyone
do you any harm.

I miss you so bad,
I can’t stand the pain,
They don’t understand
my life will never be the same.

A Poem for Little Charlie
By Patti Jo MacGregor

Six months have
come and gone.
Our love for you
no less.
Than the morning
you were born.
Than the morning
we said goodbye.

Our lives continue
as they must.
We will never be
quite the same.
We miss you so.
We remember, joy mixed with
sorrow. Your tender movements
within me.

You lived but
three days.
Not nearly enough
But , oh! The 1ives
you touched.
Be assured you will not
be forgotten.
We will not allow it.

You will live
in our hearts

Gains and Losses
By Connie Peters

I miss him today. I shall miss him