We Wanted a Baby
By Judy M. Smith  
This poem is dedicated to “Our Little Angel”, Joshua Alexander Lozoskie, son of Judy Smith and James Lozoskie.  
We wanted a baby but had an angel.
We wanted to nurture, but instead were comforted.
We wanted to watch our baby grow, instead our child helped us grow and change.
We wanted to teach about life, but were taught how to be more compassionate,
understanding and thoughtful toward others.

We wanted love; instead we were shown what unconditional love is all about.
We wanted to hold our baby in our arms, instead we hold him in our hearts.
We wanted to be a normal family; we have an angel that has touched so many lives in an incredible way.
We wanted intense joy, instead we were taught to look at each beautiful moment in our lives as a
treasured gift; the highs are higher – the lows are lower - each day and minute counts.

We wanted a baby, but instead have an angel to always guide and love us.
We wanted to be parents and we are.
Joshua was stillborn August 24, 1995. The incredible gifts of his short life will always be with his Mommy and Daddy.