This Little Light of Mine
In Loving Memory ~ the NICU staff 
You were a tiny little bundle,
The day you came to be.
The needle on the scale,
Could barely get to three.

First minutes turned to hours,
And things were touch-n-go,
But yet, somehow, you held on;
Just how, we’ll never know.

As time went by more obstacles
Were sent to block the way.
You’re tough determination
Taught lessons day by day.

Dad was scared when first he held you,
Your first smile filled Mom with joy.
It didn’t matter that you were sick;
You were their little baby.

Your “family” in the nursery
All did their very best.
But it became apparent
The time had come to rest.

You slipped away so peacefully,
You’re hard fought battle done;
And all who knew and loved you
Are those who really won.

Fall though you’re gone. Your memory
Will stand throughout all time.
And you’ll live on within our hearts
“This little light of mine.”