Aaron’s Birthday
By Roslyn Ellis  
In honor of Aaron Lee Farrier 
Today is Aaron’s birthday,
Birthday number one.
I’m going to bake a chocolate cake,
A very special one.
I’ll use a lot of icing,
And write his name in blue.
And directly underneath his name
Will sit Winnie the Pooh.
We’ll gather ‘round the table
And sing his birthday song.
I know I’ll shed a tear or two
Before his song is through.
There won’t be a single candle
On this very special night,
For the stars will be his candles
As he joins us here tonight.
Today is Aaron’s’ birthday,
Birthday number one.
He made my life so special
Though his just begun.
Some people live a lifetime
Never knowing love
But Aaron touched so many
In only four short months
Yes, today is Aaron’s birthday
It would’ve been his fist
But in my heart he’ll always live
For he was Grandmom’s first.

Happy Birthday Aaron!
Love Grandmom