Almost A Whisper |
By Jennifer Wessner |
There was almost a whisper that solemn night
all happenings froze in time for a woman who had so long dreamed all shattered as crystal on cement for this was to be the most magical of days; a daughter to be born unto her a daughter to love a daughter to watch grow a daughter to nurture a daughter to hold on this day a daughter was born unto her this woman was given a chance she had her daughter to hold if only for a few moments she had her daughter to love this love will be forever in her heart this live will never die this little girl was given the time to say her final goodbyes at the same time as she said her first hellos the life-filled, long awaited scream of virgin lungs was not heard instead there was almost silence almost because this little girl could not leave unheard there was a whisper, or almost a whisper on those tiny lips that night a whisper that said, “I am here, acknowledge me, and don’t forget me, for I must go, I must say goodbye.” In a whisper was said what many cannot achieve in a lifetime in a whisper a little girl’s live was lived. |