Lessons I’ve Learned From The Loss of My Child… |
In loving memory of Tyler James Anaya and Baby Angel |
Life really is too short…
Never bank on your expectations since they can change in an instant... Take nothing for granted… The kindness of strangers… More people love and care for us than we ever knew... Some people do not care as much as they say they do... Forgiveness takes time and patience... Sometimes I cannot forgive, and I will not forget... Men really do cry... I am stronger than I ever knew I could be... Tragedy and grief is non-discriminatory, it touches people of every size, shape, age, race... The difference between acceptance and recognition. I will never accept that my child died, but I can recognize that it has happened and there is nothing that can change that... It’s ok to tell someone how you really feel... Sometimes loss allows others to deal with issues that have been avoided for years. My loss allowed my 72 year old grandmother to share a secret and grieve her own loss of 51 years ago… Memories should not be buried with the ones we’ve lost... The importance of family... The inner strength a broken heart can bring forth... Death can bring forth the beauty of life. I see the world through a new set of eyes now... I can find peace among chaos... I wrote this on the one month anniversary of the death of my son. As I write these lessons I realize that time may heal wounds, but I will always have the scar of losing my babies. I share them because I hope they may bring comfort to someone else. |
In loving memory of Tyler James Anaya: Born still June 7, 2004 – cord entanglement; and Baby Angel: Miscarried June 2003 – cause unknown |