To My Beautiful Baby, Katie
By Vickie Menn 
Oh you were so small and sweet when you entered into the world, one that has been a lot of hardship on you, but you always seem to endure it with strength and always with a smile.
You taught us courage, and to make the most of good times and how to live and find joy in the smallest of things- we learned to live life to the fullest with you in the limited ways that there was, we make the best of it, and loved every minute.
You blossomed into a very pretty baby and at seventeen months you finally got to taste of heaven here on earth, by learning to crawl, eat two-handed, roll over, sit up, and play,
and stand somewhat on two legs. (These were your greatest physical achievements in
your short lifetime.)
You leave us with part of you; you leave us with a twin brother, Corey, that will carry
on with the spirit of life here on earth and an older sister, Allison, you taught to be
scared of nothing, she’s been a trooper. But you go on at this time to join your bigger
sister, Amber, at the side of your friend and ours, Jesus, in Heaven.

We will miss you a lot every day, the hurt will someday subside and all the wonderful
memories will fill in the space, you will always be loved, you’ve taught us that well.
I am glad I had the honor of being your mother, to give you birth, rebirth at sixteen
months and now the peace you so deserve. We five you, Katie, to God today so you rest in
peace and truly run and play among the angels. Keep smiling down on us.

Peace will always be with you.
