For Kyle Xavier DeFlorimonte
By Andrea DeFlorimonte 
To our baby, our warrior, our angel, our son
the miracle of life had just begun
only good wishes did we wish for you
for health and happiness and vitality, too.

We wished for you to grow to be a man
we wished for you to be all that you can
we wished to hold you and sing you to sleep
we wished to make promises, promises to keep.

To feed you and bathe you and dress you in blue
to look at you and see you looking at us too
to hold you and hug you and kiss you good night
we wished all of these things with all our might.

Our baby, our warrior, our angel, our son
the miracle of your life had just begun.
These wishes we wished with a parent’s love
but your future now lies with our Father above.
Kyle Xavier DeFlorimonte, son of Andrea and Delmar DeFlorimonte, was born on July 3, 1997 and died on July 17, 1997. Kyle’s placenta abrupted at 31 weeks. He fought valiantly for two weeks before passing away. This poem was written for him by mother, Andrea, and read by his father, Delmar, at Kyle’s funeral on July 19, 1997. We love him and miss him terribly.