2025 Mother's Day Angel Brunch
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11th Annual IRIS

International Bereaved Mothers Day Angel Brunch

Saturday May 3, 2025

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

By Reservation Only: $25 per person *

Register at:   irisRemembers.com by 11:59 pm May 1, 2025

Scholarships are available. Contact Diana Kelley at the IRIS Office: support@irisRemembers.com or call (507) 334-4748. Don’t miss this very special event because of the fee. Others have paid it forward so you can attend. There is no application, no explanation needed, simply say I need a little help with the fee.

The Mother’s Day Event Includes:

  • Memorial Painting with Suzanne at the NEW Upper East Side Studio – 217 Central Ave. Faribault, MN 55021.  We will be painting a vase of flowers with a dragonfly or butterfly. 
  • A Fabulous Brunch will be served at the Upper East Side Studio
  • Following painting and brunch, we will move to the Infants Remembered In Silence (IRIS) Office at 218 3rd Ave. NW Faribault, MN 55021. Once at the Office, we will plant memorial flowers in the IRIS Memorial Gardens. IRIS will have flowers for the planter boxes. You are welcome to bring special flowers and/or decoration for the garden.

Information: This special event is open to All bereaved mothers, supportive female family members, friends, co-workers, care providers, and anyone who has been touch by the death of a child, regardless of when the child died, the cause of death, where you live/lived. Please contact us if you have any questions.


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