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11th Annual IRIS
International Bereaved Mothers Day Angel Brunch
Saturday May 3, 2025
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
By Reservation Only: $25 per person *
Register at: irisRemembers.com by 11:59 pm May 1, 2025
* Scholarships are available. Contact Diana Kelley at the IRIS Office: support@irisRemembers.com or call (507) 334-4748. Don’t miss this very special event because of the fee. Others have paid it forward so you can attend. There is no application, no explanation needed, simply say I need a little help with the fee.
The Mother’s Day Event Includes:
Information: This special event is open to All bereaved mothers, supportive female family members, friends, co-workers, care providers, and anyone who has been touch by the death of a child, regardless of when the child died, the cause of death, where you live/lived. Please contact us if you have any questions.