Infants Remembered In Silence © 

28th Annual Pancake Breakfast, Silent Auction Bingo Bash

Sunday Feb. 16, 2025 at the Faribault American Legion 112 5th St. NE, Faribault MN 55021

Join us for pancakes, Jirik's Fresh Maple Syrup, scrambled eggs, ham, OJ, milk, and coffee! 

Tickets Sold At The Door. Adults $10 Children 2 - 6 years $5. 

Please invite your family and friends to this very public event!  

Pancake Breakfast: 8 AM - 12 PM

Silent Auction: 8 AM - approximately 2:00 PM (Auction closes during BINGO Break)

Bake Sale: 8 AM - Until Sold Out

BINGO: 1 PM - 3:00 PM (Kids Welcome) - CASH PRIZES!   

Silent Auction Items are now being accepted! Drop off your Silent Auction items at the IRIS Office at 218 3rd Ave. NW Faribault MN or Give us a call at (507) 334-4748 to arrange for pickup or special drop off times.

The office is open 9-5:30 M-F.

Volunteers are needed to help with set up, bussing tables, BINGO, bake sale, and more.

Stop by the office to VOLUNTEER, sign up to make items for the Bake Sale, or call and we will help you and/or your group. (507) 334-4748. Email: