October 15th - Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Each year IRIS holds a special candle light gathering at 7 pm in conjunction with the Worldwide Candle Lighting in memory of children. As in past years IRIS would like to invite you to take part in this tradition at home or at services in your area. IRIS will be holding a service at the Life-sized Bronze Statue that is located in front of the Office. We invite you to send a heart in memory of your child/children to be included in the IRIS service in Faribault MN. Please remember that hearts will be outside and the weather in Faribault Minnesota in October can be difficult to plan for. It could be 80 degrees and windy or it could be 20 degrees with light snow or ice. Hearts will be effected by the weather, consider making your heart(s) waterproof. This can be as simple as covering with clear contact paper to having them made out of plastic, fabric, or wood. Heart can be any size and made of anything you like. There are no restrictions. If you would like to see the list of all of children currently remembered on heats please watch for updates or visit the following FB page: https://www.facebook.com/InfantsRememberedinSilence
Hearts should be mailed by October 15th to:
Infants Remembered In Silence, Inc. (IRIS)
218 3rd Ave. NW
Faribault, MN 55021
Hearts will become apart of the IRIS collection and will not be returned. Please be sure to take picture's of your heart before mailing or make a matching one to keep. Be sure to let us know if you have any questions. Email: support@irisRemembers.com